Lean on me V7110 EO

I see that the Family Portrait attracted a fair bit of attention yesterday - too funny as all I was doing was charging them up. Today I began with the best of intentions (all devices charged and staring at me) however it ended up being almost a gadgetless episode. First my i7210 and RaonDigital Vega went to Journalists, the Fuji returned to Fuji, the Samsung Q1 went to Melbourne, so all I was left with was EO v7110 staring at me - and the time was only 8:30 in the morning.

With several key meetings planned for the day there was little time for play. With that in mind I picked eo and introduced him to Mr. Extension (the battery I mean).

I must say that the short period we spent together I really enjoyed the feel and the ergonomics that the battery adds to the eo. Firstly I love the way it sits off the desk and has better airflow (as opposed to laying flat on its back); I also enjoy the benefits the battery added to carrying the device in one hand, or under one’s palms.

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