Features PS4 Remote Play Sony Xperia Z3 | How Are You Brother wherever you are ? This time we will discuss about the features Xperia Z3 ie PS4 features . We quote from http://tekno.kompas.com/read/2014/11/26/16542217/Main.PS4.Pengguna.Xperia.Z3.Tak.Perlu.TV . That PS4 Features The Sony Remote Play serve as the main magnet of the trio Android Smartphone Xperia Z3 . The PS4 features allow users to play games on the screen Xperia PlayStation 4 Z3 , Z3 Compact Xperia and Xperia Z3 Compact owned Xperia Tablet z3 . Sony Mobile Xperia Z3 mention that sales skyrocketed because interest PS4 console users to the Remote Play feature .
Whats interesting about the PS4 Remote Play is a user or users do not have to scramble Xperia Z3 television at home to play the game PS4 . Users simply turn on the PS4 , the game can be continued in the smartphone Xperia Z3 . PS4 games but can be played via touchscreen Xperia Z3 can also use the DualShock wireless controller belongs PS4 with a special adapter from Sony . PS4 Remote Play feature can be used for Xperia Z3 and PS4 are in a network , whether WiFi or Bluetooth . Actually , this feature can be used from remote locations with the requirements of Internet connection must be stable and strong . To use these features , users can download the application Xperia Z3 in Google Play Store or directly from this link . Once available in Z3 , PS4 Remote Play will support other Android gadget that Sony Xperia Z2 and Z2 Xperia Tablet .
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