MEDC (Mobile and Embedded DevCon) Australia is fast approaching and some facts are starting to emerge. Here’s what we know so far:
- MEDC is going to be on May 16th, so keep the date free
- it’s going to be a great event for developers and partners interested in Mobility and Embedded devices. Theyve announced new versions of Windows Mobile since the last MEDC so there will be plenty of great content, aimed at a technical audience.
- Microsoft folks are busy getting a new website up but in the meantime users can go to http://www.medc2007.com/ to find out more about what’s on offer and to sign up to be notified when registration opens.
If you’ve ever attended an MEDC you’ll know that they are high energy and can deliver some quality deep dive sessions that you just don’t get anywhere else, and certainly not on shelves. I love the hardware (but that’s just me) and the presenters like Dr. Neil Roodyn and Nick Randolph always seem to make the event worthwhile. This year keep an eye out for my travel mate and fellow MVP James McCutcheon.
So if you’re in town and want to be part of The Solution then why not take part in this year’s MEDC Australia. You never know, you might see me on stage waving arms and chanting hallelujah! (Not that Ive been asked to speak, yet, but I might just get up anyways.)
Aussie locals will be excited to catch up with favourites like Frank Arrigo, Jeff Alexander, Uber passionate Rick Anderson and the now legendary Don Kerr!
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